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Originally this site was named after binary numbers used in computers. Then photo images became binaries and now people who question their DNA are non-binary. Life was simpler once.
The Treaty Principles Bill
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon 'does not like any part of this bill'. Really? Will the Maori Party vote him in next election?
Presumably this includes Principle One that says:
The Executive Government of New Zealand has full power to govern, and the Parliament of New Zealand has full power to make laws,—
(a) in the best interests of everyone; and
(b) in accordance with the rule of law and the maintenance of a free and democratic society.
Principle 2 says
(1) The Crown recognises, and will respect and protect, the rights that hapu and iwi Maori had under the Treaty of Waitangi/te Tiriti o Waitangi at the time they signed it.
(2)However, if those rights differ from the rights of everyone, subclause (1) applies only if those rights are agreed in the settlement of a historical treaty claim under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.
Surely he must be mistaken about Principle Three though. No one could oppose this...
(1) Everyone is equal before the law.
(2) Everyone is entitled, without discrimination, to—
(a) the equal protection and equal benefit of the law; and
(b) the equal enjoyment of the same fundamental human rights.
We have big problems if our Prime Minister opposes equality before the law and human rights.
Mandatory Maori course for ALL University of Auckland students
Whether you want to study engineering, accounting, philosophy, or chemistry, you will be required to complete a mandatory course covering the Treaty of Waitangi and New Zealand history. At your expense.
This will also apply to international students who may only be in New Zealand for the duration of their studies.
It means that of the eight courses/papers that a student enrols in for first year, one will have to be the mandatory Maori course. This gives them one less course to choose for themselves.
Our children are being educated to think like the braying mob who call everything racist and want us to be separated into race-based categories with different rights.
Michael Laws on Abolishing Waitangi Tribunal
Youtube Video A must-watch for all NZers.
What is a Woman
Sign the petition going to Parliament Ultimately we want to establish the biologically correct and truthful definition of ‘woman’ (an adult human female) into our laws, public policies, and regulations.
25 March 2023 Posie Parker drowned out at rally by LGBTQ+ queers. No free speech in New Zealand.
We are faced with a takeover of New Zealand by stealth.
Open Letter to PM: August 2021. Exposing the real Jacinda Adern.
Real Estate Agents compulsory Treaty education
The Maori madness continues.. Mar 2023.
Two govts under tribal rule plan moving ahead? The items below should go on the scrapheap with National and ACT in power Oct 2023.
The steps so far are:
- • The abolition of the right of local communities to hold binding referenda on Maori wards.
- • Forcing Maori language and culture on to government departments and local authorities, while the state-funded media replaced news with separatist propaganda.
- • Replacing English names of places, streets, towns, buildings, and government agencies with Maori names. Even the nation’s name “New Zealand” is being changed by stealth.
- • Setting up a separate Maori Health Authority with veto rights over the entire health system.
- • Transferring the marine and coastal area to Maori, with a precedent set recently by the High Court in the Bay of Plenty.
- • Transferring ownership of the conservation estate to private tribal entities, as recommended by the Options Development Group.
- • Imposing 50-50 council-tribal control over water through the Three Waters Reform.
- • Imposing a revised history curriculum, that looks more like Maori studies, which intends to indoctrinate our children about the evils of colonisation.